Star Spotting: The Jonas Brothers Have A ‘We Are The Champions’ Moment In San Diego (PHOTO)

The Jonas Brothers are triumphant on stage in San Diego!

The JoBros are clearly the CHAMPIONS (of the world).

Individually, the Jonas Brothers have had a lot going on lately. Joe Jonas celebrated his 24th birthday by becoming a dog (or at least that's how we celebrated it), and oldest bro Kevin is getting ready to be the hottest daddy on the block. As for Nick? Well, Nick is getting more and more ripped by the hour, which, as far as we're concerned, is a world event in and of itself. But, even though each JoBro has his own thing going, nothing warms our hearts more than seeing the three of 'em come together... like in this "We Are The Champions" moment they pulled during their San Diego stop on the "Jonas Brothers Live" Tour.

And we're not the only ones moved by seeing the "First Time" singers proudly holding hands and taking a group bow! Nick posted the photo to his Instagram and captioned: "Thanks San Diego." UMMMM, we're pretty sure that San Diego is, like, THE MOST WELCOME. Also, let's just examine each bro for a sec, shall we? Joe is probably the only person on this earth, aside from maybe Gisele and the Backstreet Boys circa Millenium, who can rock all white and still look slim, so mazel tov on that. Kevin's face is all "EFF YEAH, WE JUST DOMINATED THIS ISH," and Nick? Two words: GUN SHOW! Anyway, go forth and live your individual lives, Jonases. Just don't forget to reunite for some Sears Portrait Studio holiday photos for Papa Jonas and Denise's mantle!

Photo credit: Nick Jonas' Instagram

Filed under: Music


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