Star Spotting: The Jonas Brothers Met Their Biggest Fan, AKA Jimmy Fallon Dressed As A Woman (PHOTO)

The Jonas Brothers pose with "Sara," otherwise known as Jimmy Fallon.

Did YOU know the Jonas Brothers' biggest fan was Jimmy Fallon dressed like a chick?

As if it isn't enough to see a photo of ALL THREE Jonas Brothers in one place (fine, that also happened in their newly released "Pom Poms" video), here's a photo of all three Bros backstage at "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon"! As you can see in the above image, they're posing with Jimmy, who just happens to be DRESSED AS A WOMAN! And yep, he is in fact rocking a sparkly purple dress. And hair bow. No clue what we did to deserve this true gift from the comedy Gods, but PRAISE!!

See more of the Jonas Brothers with Jimmy Fallon after the jump.

Yeah, so you must be wondering what the eff is going on here, but it's a very simple answer! The JoBros stopped by Jimmy Fallon's show on Tuesday to perform their new smash "Pom Poms," but before they took the stage, the always kind Jimmy asked if the boys would consider "meeting their biggest fan." Ten seconds later, we meet hardcore 14-year-old JoBro fan Sara (host of fictional talk show and frequent "Late Night" skit "Ew!"), played by Fallon. And no, we absolutely won't neglect to mention that one time "Sara" asked the boys for a big ol' smooch and oldest bro Kevin FULLY did the "lean in" just before Sara's "stepfather" put a stop to the madness. And you know what? Joe wasn't too far from planting one on Jimmy's luscious lips either. Is that all it takes? Okay, we're applying for our own late-night talk show right now!

+ Watch the Jonas Brothers meet JoBro superfan "Sara."

+ Watch the Jonas Brothers perform "Pom Poms" on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon."

Photo credit: Joe Jonas' Instagram

Filed under: Music


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