Star Spotting: That Time Kelly Clarkson And Beyonce Became Besties At The 2013 Inauguration (PHOTO)

Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce chat backstage at President Obama's Inauguration.

Oh, just two without-flaw queens having a laugh at the inauguration!

It's a little hard for us to look at this picture, let alone write any coherent words about it, without emitting an ongoing streak of what we're sure are very excited-yet-frightening shrieking noises. But can you even blame a gal for getting a little, how shall we say, EFFING GIDDY while looking at this image of Kelly Clarkson and Beyoncé meeting backstage at the 2013 Inauguration? Also, side note, but whatchu talking about, ladies??! Is it about how thrilled you are that Obama got re-elected? Or perhaps about how perfect Beyoncé's hair looks? Or maybe about how perf Kelly's blonde color is? Actually, they're probably both just thrilled to be living your #bestlives. Yep, that's gotta be it.

Both Kelly and Beyoncé were on hand at President Barack Obama's second inauguration, with Kelly performing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" and Beyoncé singing the ish out of "The Star-Spangled Banner." Although we're sure meeting President Obama (and Michelle! And Sasha! And Malia!) was the highlight of Kelly's night, it's also possible that meeting Beyoncé came in at a VERY close second, as the diva later tweeted about the experience to all her fans: "Me and B just hangin' out ....don't worry about it. Seriously, God did good. She is so beautiful!." WE KNOW, KELLY. And so are you! Also, this picture is officially the inspiration for our next Halloween costume. Gotta plan ahead!

Photo credit: @kelly_clarkson

Filed under: Music


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