Disney's new Star Wars TV show, The Mandalorian, contains a big Star Wars spoiler in its first episode, apparently. According to The New York Times, the series premiere will feature a "dramatic Star Wars universe spoiler." The report has no other details on what the spoiler might be. What is known, however, is that The Mandalorian takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi, following the collapse of the Galactic Empire. It was also confirmed this week that Disney will not release episodes in advance to media as it will do with some of its other Disney+ shows (Netflix also releases advance "screeners" to media for some of its shows). Disney said it won't make episodes of The Mandalorian available early in an effort to help to contain "any surprises and plot twists." Disney has shown select media pieces of episodes of The Mandalorian, but never a full show. The Mandalorian premieres November 12 on Disney+. Unlike most Netflix shows, episodes of The Mandalorian will be released on a weekly basis, not all at once. Game of Thrones star Pedro Pascal plays the titular Mandalorian on the show, with a cast that also includes Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) and Carl Weathers (Rocky). The comedian Bill Burr, who does not like Star Wars, also has a role in the show. The next Star Wars movie, meanwhile, is The Rise of Skywalker. The movie comes to theatres about a month after The Mandalorian premieres, arriving on December 20.