Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist, a live-action series based on Capcom’s fighting game, will debut on May 23, Capcom has announced. Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist depicts the formative years of iconic characters Ryu and Ken as they train in the ancient fighting style known as “Ansatsuken” (Assassin’s Fist). The series follows them as they learn about the mysterious past of their master, Gōken, and the tragic legacy of the Ansatsuken style. The show’s creator, Joey Ansah, will also play the role of Akuma. You might also remember him as one of the agents in The Bourne Ultimatum. The episodes will air on Machinima’s YouTube channel, and Content Media will later distribute it on TV, on-demand, and DVD and Blu-ray. Machinima also distributed the live-action series based on the Mortal Kombat fighting games, Mortal Kombat: Legacy. You can head over to the series’ official website to watch the previously released trailers that introduced Ryu and Ken and Street Fighter: Legacy, the short film which preceded Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist.