Bots that cheat, spam racist comments, and generally ruin games have become and remain a big problem in Valve's Team Fortress 2. If you've seen Terminator 2, you're probably going to like the solution some players have come up with. The newest solution by an unknown player (or group of players) pits the "good" bots against "bad" bots. Called extermination bots, these new non-human players target cheating bots, and according to a Twitter user who shared screenshots of the bots in action, "they're friendly with true players, [and] they will help you." They've also been sighted in-game in bot takedown video compilations.
Team Fortress 2's recent bot issues began with players noticing a disturbing level of bot infiltrations earlier this year, outlets reporting on it, Valve taking minor steps to address the bot issue, and lately, a subset of players taking the matters into their own hands by creating extermination bots. Continue Reading at GameSpot