The newest installment in the long-running Texas Chainsaw Massacre series has arrived. According to an official synopsis for the film, "influencers looking to breathe new life into a Texas ghost town encounter Leatherface, an infamous killer who wears a mask of human skin." Texas Chainsaw Massacre is written by Chris Thomas Devlin, and directed by David Blue Garcia. The film's cast includes Sarah Yarkin, Elsie Fisher, Mark Burnham, Jacob Latimore, Moe Dunford, Olwen Fouéré, Alice Krige, Jessica Allain, and Nell Hudson. As of this writing, Texas Chainsaw Massacre has an aggregate score of 37 on Metacritic based on 15 critic reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a slightly more favorable 40% based on 40 reviews. These scores will likely shift as other outlets publish their takes, but based on the reviews already floating out there, it looks like this movie could only be for hardcore franchise fans--or apologists. Continue Reading at GameSpot