The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD's Zelda and Loftwing Amiibo has been hit by shipping delays, causing the majority of them to arrive sometime in August instead of on July 16. As reported by IGN, the Amiibo has been impacted by "unforeseen" issues related to shipping, resulting in only a handful of the Zelda and Loftwing Amiibo arriving on July 16 when the game releases. The majority of the Amiibo ordered will arrive sometime in August. Nintendo of America also told IGN that this delay will not impact any other Amiibo figures. The Amiibo was originally set to release alongside Skyward Sword HD, and while normally video game merchandise shipping later than the game isn't a big deal, this Amiibo unlocks a pretty useful mechanic in-game. "The Zelda and Loftwing Amiibo figure is currently impacted by unforeseen shipping delays. As a result, only a small portion of the Zelda and Loftwing Amiibo will be available on its scheduled July 16 launch date," Nintendo of America said in a statement to GameSpot. "Additional shipments are delayed until August. We will ship additional Amiibo to retailers as soon as they arrive." Continue Reading at GameSpot