The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 Furious

On March 6, 2018, join New York Times bestselling authors Shannon Hale and Dean Hale for an all-new Doreen Green prose novel adventure in “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 Furious”!

Available for preorder now wherever books are sold, the sequel to this year’s hit read “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World” finds our hero in the midst of a mysterious—and sinister—plot that threatens to overtake her hometown…and maybe the world!

What might we expect from Doreen Green as she takes on this challenge? We asked authors Shannon Hale and Dean Hale to find out. In the first novel, Doreen navigated being the new kid in school, making friends, and resolving conflicts (without super powers). What can readers expect from the second novel, “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 Furious”?

Shannon Hale: We wanted to let her be her awesome, butt-kicking, hilarious, powerful self while still seeing her continue to develop and grow. She’s declared herself Squirrel Girl and unleashed her unbeatableness on the world, but it’s the Doreen Green part of her life that proves trickier. Just how do you be both a super hero and a middle school student at the same time?

Dean Hale: I know from personal experience that being a middle school kid with super human abilities is no walk in the park. Except for the occasional field trip to a nearby park. Also there are the evil organizations and horrifying abominations of nature to do battle with.

Shannon Hale: I’m never sure if you’re talking about yourself or Squirrel Girl, reminder: the parent organization at our kids’ school is not an evil organization.

Dean Hale: If the PTA president’s rant about the feasibility of “Alternative Ethics” didn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. You write the books together—can you tell us a bit about how that process works? Does your writing routine change from book to book?

Shannon Hale: Comedy feels like the best kind of story to write because you’re basically just trying to make the other person laugh.

Dean Hale: Did you answer the question? I don’t think you answered the question. I think you might be dodging the question! What don’t you want people to know about our process? What are you hiding?!

Shannon Hale: I was graciously leaving bulk of the question for you to answer this time because I’m a generous person.

Dean Hale: Right. Okay. Let’s see…writing process…back and forth, leaving big chunks for the other person to complete because we are generous to each other…I think we covered it. What makes Squirrel Girl such a great character for young readers to discover and be inspired by?

Shannon Hale: One of our kids wants to be Squirrel Girl for Halloween and we couldn’t be prouder. But honestly, she’s also a great character for old readers like me to be inspired by. She’s just so fun and funny and optimistic.

Dean Hale: In my life, Squirrel Girl-ish tactics like reasoned dialogue, empathy, and humor have gotten me a lot farther than punching people in the face. Which isn’t to say face-punching doesn’t have its place, especially with lunatic robots and alien parasites. But I am confronted with those less and less these days…

Shannon Hale: Welcome to middle age!

Dean Hale: Thank you. I hope I survive the experience.

Now read an excerpt from the first pages of the super hero story!

 The night was as cool as glass. Streetlamps cast orange cones of light onto the pavement, but everything in between them was darkness. Darkness so thick, you could gnaw on it.

Squirrel Girl perched atop a streetlamp, twelve feet above the quiet suburban street. Not the kind of place where you’d expect to run into a laser-blasting maniacal villain. Squirrel Girl’s bushy tail twitched. Her keen eyes raked the darkness for any sign of that dastardly ne’er-do-well.

The, her phone buzzed.

Finally! All this waiting was getting super boring. She went for the phone, scooping it out of a pouch on her utility belt. But a bunch of loose cashews spilled out of the pouched, and she fumbled the phone.

“Dang it,” she said, diving headfirst off the streetlamp. She caught the cell just before it could crack against the sidewalk, twisting to land on her feet.

On her phone was a text from Ana Sofía Arcos Romero, her BHFF [Best Human Friend Forever].

ANA SOFÍA: Are you hidden?

Squirrel Girl checked her surroundings in a super super=sleuth sleuth way. She was standing directly under the streetlamp, orange light falling over her as bright as a fire.

She leaped up into the shadowy branches of an oak tree in someone’s front yard.

Shannon Hale and Dean Hale’s “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: 2 Fuzzy, 2 Furious” is available to preorder now wherever books are sold!

Filed under: Comics


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