THQ Relics Remain Untouched in Its Old Offices — Check Out the Photos

Defunct publisher THQ has now been out of business for more than a year, but new photos shared online today show its former offices still held much of the memorabilia it left behind when it came time for a new company to move in.

A photo album published by Reddit user Soulessgingr reveals what remains in the former THQ office. These relics includes a huge Warhammer statue, awards, and a case full of the company's games. There are also posters of games it did release, like Darksiders II, and some of those it ultimately didn't--including South Park: The Stick of Truth (which ended up being published by Ubisoft) and Saints Row: The Third - Enter the Dominatrix (a canceled DLC pack that would end up being released for the Deep Silver-published Saints Row IV). Additionally, a variety of hardware, including TVs, monitors, and routers, was found.

The Reddit user came upon all this when the company he worked for moved into the building. He said in one comment, "The building manager purchased all the stuff that was left and THQ also left some stuff (hardware mostly) because they owed a lot of money for back rent. At least that is what one person told me a few hours ago."

What will happen to all of these items is unclear. He said, "As far as I have heard, they are either going to keep the stuff up as decorations or give to people that want it. I honestly don't know yet.

THQ's fall was a rapid one; its shares were worth over $36 in 2007 but had dropped to $.60 by February 2012, raising questions as to whether it was set to collapse. That April, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick predicted the company would be dead in six months--an estimate that wasn't far off. THQ filed for bankruptcy in December 2012, and its assets (including intellectual properties and developers) were auctioned off last year.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
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