Find a thread to pull in Now, Now's latest video, 'Thread.'
In the video for the latest single off their sophomore album, Threads, Now, Now take us to what appears to be an abandoned warehouse littered with piles of dirt and gravel. While the dreary setting beautifully suits Now, Now's moody, shoegazy side, "Thread" cuts through the gloom with some supercool lighting effects that perfectly play up the Minneapolis-based indie-rock trio's penchant for sunshiney pop.
Watch Now, Now's "Thread" video after the jump.
Shot in black and white, "Thread" gets its glow from tubes of fluorescent light suspended from the ceiling and shooting up from the floor. White light flashes throughout the video while still images of the band -- Cacie Dalager (vocals, guitar), Jess Abbott (vocals, guitar), Brad Hale (drums, synth) -- occasionally burst onto the screen in perfect time to the track's thunderclap percussion sound. Although the band members stay sullen and still for most of the song (a swirling, shimmering number that makes it instantly clear why Death Cab For Cutie guitarist/producer fell hard for Now, Now and signed them to his label), there's also plenty of goosebumpy moments when Brad bangs away at his drums as the two girls thrash along, tearing up their guitars.
Catch Now, Now when they head out on the road with fun. this month.
+ Watch Now, Now's "Thread" video.