Video Shows iPhone 6 Can Be Bent by Hand

Apple's new iPhone 6 Plus can be bent out of shape by hand pressure alone, a new video has demonstrated.

The footage above--published by Unbox Therapy--shows the malleability of Apple's enlarged smartphone amid customer complaints that the device has emerged from their pockets deformed.

The back of the iPhone 6 Plus features a six-inch aluminium casing, which appears to be the part of the phone that is not resisting the pressure. Customers have used the Twitter hashtag #BendGate as a means to broadcast their frustration and air their opinions on the matter, while others are using it to defend Apple.

Unbox Therapy has published another video showing that the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which is similar in design to the iPhone 6 Plus, cannot be bent so easily.

Apple sold more than 10 million iPhone 6es and 6 Pluses in the space of three days. The corporation has yet to respond to claims of bent hardware.

Rob Crossley is GameSpot's UK News Editor - you can follow him on Twitter here
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