We’re Feeling This Taylor Swift/ Kanye West/ Chris Martin ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ & ‘Homecoming’ Mashup

We NEVER thought we'd hear Taylor Swift and Kanye West on a record together, EVER. But that just goes to show, even WE can be surprised every now and then. Because we thought we'd seen and heard it all! Taylor and Kanye SHOULD try collaborating...guess what: now they have! Except not exactly.

Listen to "We Are Never Ever Coming Home Again" after the jump.

Mashup creator/DJ extraordinaire No Pets Allowed has just released a sick mashup of Taylor's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" and Kanye West's "Homecoming." Brilliant? We think YES. Plus, this is about as close to a Kanyor collaboration we will ever, EVER get.

Over Taylor's bouncy pop beat, Kanye spits his original rap about his hometown (Chicago) while Tay's vocal "Oooohs" ring softly in the background. Then, as if smushing those two unlikely artists together wasn't enough, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin's vocals also make an appearance (he was featured on Kanye's original track) and take the track to an entirely new pop stratosphere. We've been rooting for a Kanye + Taylor collabo for some time now, and seriously guys....do you see how good you sound together? Bring Chris Martin in as a buffer and get the eff to the studio! You know that ish would go straight to No. 1.

+ Listen to "We Are Never Ever Coming Home Again."

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