What’s Next For Captain Action? An AFi Interview – Part 2

CaptainActionYesterday we caught up with Ed and Joe with team Captain Action in part 1 of our exclusive interview and covered the future of the figure line they are running with Round 2.   Today we look at all of the other Captain Action projects in other forms of media.  We first learned of the possibility of a Captain Action animated series at the Captain Action panel at San Diego Comic Con last year.   In this second part of the interview we find out the progress of that and get a sneak peek at some of the designs and characters.   Also last year, we did an interview with Jim Beard, the writer of the Captain Action pulp novel, in part 2 of this interview we find out if there will be a sequel.  We also get an update on the future of the Captain Action comic book series and the recently announced apparel and collectibles from Titan Merchandise.


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Action Figure Insider: What’s the update on the Captain Action comic book series from Dynamite?

Captain Action: You know, sometimes we are prone to hyperbole and get way too excited for our own good, but we have got to you tell you, Daniel, that we’re so pumped up for this series.   At Dynamite, Captain Action will kick off with a miniseries called Codename: ACTION and begins by telling one of his earliest adventures, “Year One” style.  Maybe “Year Zero” is an even better way to describe it.

The script for the first issue crackles with excitement, and it’s a high octane cocktail that’s equal parts spy story & superhero adventure, with a strong does of swinging sixties vibe thrown in for good measure.

I don’t think we can reveal the creative team yet, but the interior art will be strong and we’ve got some exciting covers lined up. In fact, some of the incentive covers will be really different – something only Captain Action could provide.  And the writer is one of our favorites. He’s brilliant fresh voice, but it turns out he loves this genre. And he’s one of those guys with a personal courage that earned our professional respect before we even got to know him.


AFi: How will this new series fit in with previous Captain Action stories?

Captain Action: As a Year One adventure, this will reveal so many secrets about the early days of Captain Action. And it will take place way before the animated series –which focuses on contemporary adventures.


AFi: Will we see any other characters or guest stars in the comic book?

Captain Action: We’re excited because this mini-series will guest star other heroes.  Some of them make all the sense in the world, as they have a history with Captain Action and are currently being published by Dynamite.  But a few of the characters in Codename: ACTION will be complete surprises.  Fans might think, “I never would have expected this character”, but by the end of the series they’ll say, “Of course, now I get it!”  Oh, and look for a certain blue-skinned bad guy to appear too.


AFi: Will there be a follow-up to last year’s CA pulp novel?

Captain Action: Yes, glad you asked.  Riddle of the Glowing Men” by Jim Beard was one of the Airship27’s top sellers in 2012, and ranked high on Amazon in the pulp category.  Jim’s hard at work on his sequel even as we speak. We joked that the first novel was kind of like “What if Ian Fleming wrote a Doc Savage novel starring Captain Action”. The sequel, not yet officially titled, will have that same vibe.  And it will continue the globe trotting style and start in the Pacific Rim!


AFi: What’s the update of the CA animated series you hinted at during your SDCC panel last year?

Captain Action: The animated series continues to gain steam and every week we’re blown away by new character designs from Ben Caldwell.  In fact, we’re debuting a few of them here for the first time!  Let us know what you think.

And Marv Wolfman is working hard on the writing end, and it’s a thrill to work with him.  He brings the best of a seasoned industry pro and an enthusiastic fan-collector together every time he sits down to type.

The production group, G7, has pulled together some top animation folks if San Diego green lights our Captain Action panel again, we’ll be revealing some sneak peek footage!

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AFi: Any update on the Captain Action products coming from Titan?

Captain Action: Oh, yes.  Our friends at Titan will be debuting new products at San Diego Comic-Con.  The Captain Action hoodie looks to be very cool, as will a new coffee mug. Both will sport the distressed versions of the classic Captain Action triangular crest, so it has a current and retro feel at the same time. Titan’s been a big supporter and we’re thrilled to be working with them.


AFi: Anything else we should know about the future of Captain Action?

Captain Action: Yes, we’ll be announcing another cool contest very soon. Keep your eyes peeled for it!


Thank you so much to Ed and Joe for taking to time to answer all our questions, giving us some scoops and letting us debut some awesome new images.  We will bring you all the latest Captain Action news as it develops!  In the mean time you can follow them on the official Captain Action Facebook page, the Captain Action Twitter feed and the Captain Action website!

We’ll leave you with the teaser sizzle for the Captain Action Animated series shown at SDCC last year:

Filed under: Toys


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