Women’s History Month: Friends Forever

Who doesn’t love watching the women of Marvel kick butt? They’re pretty darn great at it, right? But we consider it just as rewarding—if not more so—to watch these impressive female characters come together as friends and teammates. These ladies support one another through challenging hardships and we enjoy seeing how this helps them grow and evolve.

With that in mind, check out a few of the Marvel Universe’s most notable female friendships.

Jessica Jones & Carol Danvers

Everyone’s favorite hard-edged detective bonds closely with Captain Marvel. It’s a powerful friendship, because Jessica’s ties to Carol give her a connection to the super hero community that she may have otherwise lost when she decided not to continue as Jewel. And in the current JESSICA JONES series, we get to see Carol and Jessica pull one over on some shady characters together.

Kate Bishop & America Chavez

What’s not to love about Amerikate? These two ladies both brim with clever snarkiness. And we see them both in similar places in their lives right now: striking out on their own, moving into the next chapter, and working to build their lives on their own terms. We’ve enjoyed one appearance by Kate in AMERICA so far, and we’d love to see more in the future.

The Mary Janes

Yes, we’ve seen some drama among these ladies, and things between the band mates haven’t always gone smoothly. Still, at their peak, we loved getting to follow the story of a band that featured both MJ and Gwen Stacy. Felicia Hardy even played with these ladies at one point. When these women get together, they rock out hard, and as readers, watching them do that has been pretty awesome.


A team of all-female Avengers—do we really need to say more? Led by She-Hulk, the core group includes Dazzler, Medusa, Singularity, and others. These women are all genuine heroes, and as members of A-Force, they have each other’s backs. They show up to save the day for humanity, but they also show up for one another. We dig watching these bold, nuanced ladies take on villains, support one another, and grow as a characters.


In THE UNSTOPPABLE WASP, Nadia Pym assembles Genius In Action Research Labs—G.I.R.L.—a group of brilliant teenaged girls who want to use science to make the world a better place. In addition to Nadia, the group includes Taina Miranda, LeShayla “Shay” Smith, and Priya Aggarwal. They’re still getting to know one another, but we feel confident that their shared love of science will help them build lasting friendships.

Angela & Sera

Angela and Sera both clock in as powerful warriors; fighters who don’t let anyone stand in their way. As such, we consider them one of Marvel’s true “power couples.” Their relationship began with a deep respect for one another, and a companionship that grew as they traveled together, fighting their way through some pretty tough scrapes. Both of them could wipe the floor with most of the people who challenge them, and together, they’re really a force to be reckoned with.

Ayo & Aneka

Like Angela and Sera, in some ways, Ayo and Aneka’s relationship grew out of the bond that forms as a result of fighting side by side. These two members of the Dora Milaje have served as protectors of The Black Panther, so you know they’ve got to be pretty tough. Their relationship is complex, and their development as characters nuanced. They know how to fight, but they also know how to be there for one another.

Kamala Khan & Viv Vision

Currently, we see these two in the early days of their friendship, but as Champions teammates, we fully expect their bond to grow and deepen. They’ve both gone through hardships, both felt like outsiders, but have ultimately risen above that, determined to become the kind of heroes the world genuinely needs. While they have very different personalities, they both share a sense of compassion, and a desire to do the right thing, so they’ve definitely got the foundation for a lasting friendship.

Filed under: Comics


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